Thursday, April 17, 2008


SO after a long pause in the creative, the love is pouring out of every pore, and here is the outcome of this.

Friday, March 21, 2008

lazy artist

I don't know how you found your way to this blog, but I'm guessing it's through my unfinished web site. I am an artist, and that means I've been working on my own site for approximately 4 years now. It has gone through 8 different splash pages in hopes of expanding . . but alas, I am too busy facilitating others (namely my clients) with their own needs to focus on mine. So . . . while that is still in the works, I am posting some art I've been working on and soon will have more on the way.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

fancy paper

the winning entry for the polish pavilion at the 2010 world expo in shanghai was inspired by traditional polish folk art paper cut-outs. What I love most of this structure is the "alice in wonderland" play of perspective. In such creations one truly gets the feel of how small a single unit of a human can be, and the magnitude of wonders we are capable of creating. congrats to the creators, architects wojciech kakowski, marcin mostafa and natalia paszkowska.

Monday, January 7, 2008


A story about a group of french aristocratic young lustful hotties trapped in a château..the ultimate erotic murder S&M bondage love story!

comfort in a dream

the halfbreed middle eastern fused with magic with a hint of asian works of lesindiennes

black magic

I always have a few moments in my day where I dream up an entirely different life that is not my current reality (some may call this delusion) but quite often in these dreams I live in a place very similar to this lovely apartment that remodelista has featured under their black magic pallete! Oh....did I mention this dream always places me in new york city =) I'm having a love affair with new york.